- CAI started in 1950's and 1960's mainly in USA.
- It is an interactive instructional technology whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning process.
- CAI uses the combination of text, graphics, sound and video to enhance teaching learning process.
- In this system the learner is the most important attribute.
- It can be used to impart the formal and informal education at all levels and also in all areas.
- it is developed from the principles of programmed instructions as well as individualized instruction.
- The provisions under NPE 1986 and POA 1992 gives more emphasis on computer education.
Synonyms of CAI
- CBT - Computer Based Training
- CAL - Computer Assisted Learning
- CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning.
- WBI - Web Based Instruction
- WBT - Web Based Training
- CBE - Computer Based Education
- CBI - Computer Based instruction
Types of CAI
1.Informational Instruction
Here computer serves the role of an enquiry officer, to respond the student's enquiry with answers it has stored. The purpose of this type of CAI is to provide essential information for the acquirement of concepts and skills.
Example: Searching the concepts in google, you tube etc.
2.Drill And Practice Programs
This will simply assist the students in remembering and utilizing information that the teachers has already presented, reinforcing previous learning through repetitions. It is most important in improving knowledge level.
Example: Geogebra - Mathematics software.
Stellarium- Free open source planetarium.
Hot Potatoes- Software for creating cross word, gap fill exercises, matching exercises
3.Tutorial Type CAI
In this type computers are engaged in actual teaching. Here tutorial programs are prepare to track students difficulties and performance and helps to move the students on their on pace. If the students has been able to master a concept , the CAI program provide next step of instruction but if they are not able to achieve mastery the program provides remedial solutions
Example: Educational apps
4. Educational Game Type
In this Learner's provide a variety of well designed computer games. These should not be confused with academic type games. Their purpose is only to provide intellectual challenge, simulation of curiosity and serve as a course of review or reward for some accomplishment for the learner
Example: G Compris educational gaming app
5.Problem Solving Type
It requires the student's high level cognitive abilities in the process of considering the problem in hand, analyzing problem situation and its various solution, predicting respective outcomes, determining with specific plan to attempt and enacting the appropriate actions .
Example: coding app website
6.Practical Work Oriented Instruction
It can provide supplementary to laboratory and practical work a student can experience the thing before they do it in physically. Similarly they can a avail necessary skill and experience about practical task. Thus children have necessary preparation and background from computers for their better performance in school hours .
Example online lab (India government -Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology)
7.Learning Affairs Management Type
This system provides valuable assistance in managing and supervising the learning affairs of the students.
Example: Moodle.
Advantages of CAI
- One to one interaction and individual attention.
- Great motivation to students.
- Freedom to experiment with different options
- Self pacing allow students to proceed their own way
- Helps teachers can devote more time to individual student
- Privacy helps the shy and slow learners to make improvement in their learning
- Learn more and more rapidly quickly
Disadvantages of CAI
- Expensive and uneconomical
- Computer as an electronic device may invite significant hazard to children
- The unavailability of educational software is the other problem
- If any failure happened to computer the expertise help is need to operate it again. This will affect the regularity of learning.
- As it is a self paced learning the control over students is not much possible. This will lead to indiscipline, carelessness, unnecessary wasting of time etc.
Role of CAI in Teaching Learning Process
- It allows students to have an active role in the teaching and learning process
- It provides teachers with more options to teach and more time to evaluate the progress of students activities
- It prevents barriers such as when, where and limited resources
- It changes teacher centered to teacher student centered or student centered education
- If changes from process oriented to outcome oriented teaching and learning
- It helps students to be ready for the top global economy
- It provides opportunity for Virtual University
- It provides opportunity for joint study of researches from around the world
Computer Managed Instructions (CMI)
This means a system which uses computer to help the teachers administrator and guide the instructional process.
Features of CMI
- Diagnosing and testing
- Analysis
- Record Keeping
- Prescription