1. Software package used to display in the form of slide show.
2. A presentation software have 3 major functions :
a. Editor :insert and format text
b. a method : insert and manipulate graphical images
c. a slide show system : to display content
The following are two important presentation software:
PowerPoint presentation :
1. It is a computer software developed by Microsoft
2. Complete presentation graphics package
3. It gives everything you need to produce a professional looking presentation
4. It offers various functions such as :-
a. Word processing
b. drawing
c. outlining
d. graphing presentation
e. management tools etc
It is designed to be easy to use and learn
Working on PowerPoint
= If we create a presentation using PowerPoint it can be made up of a series of slides this may be presented as OTH or 35mm slides and all slides
= We can print audience handouts outlines and speakers note
= Format the slides in the presentation
= Keep the under presentation in a single file
= You can import other documents created in other Microsoft products
= For large audience computer display can be connected to to a projector to see in large size
= Slides can also form the basis of webcast (animation)
Movements in PowerPoint
It has mainly four types of movement
Entrance Emphasis exit motion path