This means that use of ICT to support, enhance and optimize the delivery of in formation. ICT can lead to an improved student learning and better teaching methods.
There are various types of ICT oriented teaching and learning process. The following are some of them.
a. Computer Assisted Interaction (CAT) :-
- It is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning process.
- It uses combination of text, graphical, sound and video in enhancing the learning process.
- In this activity of learners is the most important attribute.
- It can be used to import formal and informal education at all levels and also in all areas.
- It is developed from the principles of Programmed Instructions.
- It has been developed from the principals of Programmed Instruction.
- It is one of the types of individualized instruction.
- It started in 1950's and 1960's mainly in the USA.
- The provisions under NPE-1986, POA-1992 give more emphasis on computers education.
CBT = Computer Based Training
CAL = Computer Assisted Learning
CALL = Computer Assisted Language Learning
WBI = Web Based Instruction
WBT = Web Based Training
CBE = Computer Based Education
CBI = Computer Based Instruction
(1) Informational Instruction:-
Here computer servers the role of an enquiry officers, to respond to the student enquiry with answers it has stored. The purpose of this type of CAI is to provide essential information for the acquired of concepts and skills.
(2) Drill and practice Programs:-
This will simply assist the students in remembering and utilizing information that the teachers has already presented. Reinforcing previous learning through repetition. It is most important in improving knowledge level.
(3) Tutorial Type Computer-assisted Instruction:-
In this, Computers are engaged in actual teaching. Here tutorial programs are prepared to track the student's difficulties and performance and move the students on their own peace. If the student has been able to master a concept the CAI program provides the next step to instruction, but if he is not able to achieve mastery the program provides remedial solution.
(4) Educational Game type :-
In their learner's provide a variety of well-designed computer games. These should not be confused with academic type games. Their purpose is only to provide intellectual challenge, stimulation of curiosities and serve as a source of review or reward for some accomplishment for the learner.
(5) Problem solving type :-
Requires the students to use high level cognitive abilities in the process of considering the problem in hand analyzing the problem situation and its various solutions, predicting respective outcomes determining with specific plan to attempt and enacting the appropriate actions.
eg:- Soduku
(6) Practical work oriented Instruction :-
It can provide supplementary to laboratory and practical work. A student can experience the things before they do it in physically. Thus children have necessary preparation and background from computers foe their better performance in school hours.
(7) Learning affairs management type :-
This CAI programs provide valuable assistance in managing and supervising the learning affairs of the students.
(a) One to one interaction
(b) Great motivation
(c) Freedom to experiment with different option
(d) Self-pacing allow students to proceed at their own pace.
(e) Helps teacher can devote more time to individual student.
(f) Individual attention
(g) Privacy helps the shy and slow leaners to learn.
(h) Learn more and more rapidly.
(i) self directed learning
(a) It is expensive and uneconomical.
(b) Computer, as an electronic device, may invite significant hazard to children.
(c) The unavailability or usability of educational software is another.
(d) If any failure happen to computer, the expertise is needed to operate it again. This will affect the regularity of learning.
(e) As it is a self-paced learning the control over students is not much possible. This will lead to indiscipline, carelessness, unnecessary wasting of time etc.
Remedies to overcome the problems :-
(a) The Government should take initiatives, incentives can be given to students in the form of laptop, tablet etc.
eg:- UP Government has provided laptop to all students.
(b) Instructors such as parents and teachers have to take care of the handling of these equipment by students.
(c) Before buying a software, the authority should take care of its quality brand, popularity, user reviews etc.
(d) The instructor has to make the learner skillful and give proper guidance of of using hardware with all precautions.
(e) The software should be made in such a way that it may prove user friendly and recreational.